May 27th, 27 miles to Brookings

Today was a short day. Weather forecast indicated a storm was moving through and when I looked out the door at 6am, it was tempting to make a rain day. However, decided to ride to Brookings since that would leave better options the next day.

Got on the road shortly before 7am. Not far out of Gold Beach the road started to climb up over Cape Sebastian. Had both wind and rain, though fortunately as I climbed the trees blocked some of the wind. At 4 miles was at 750ft and top of the hill. From here level for a mile and then a few miles of descent. The wind was much stronger where went across open areas along the sea. At one point even had a gust strong enough to stop most forward motion. There were rocks and others visible along this part of rugged coast. Slowly rode along with rain jacket keeping the wet out and without too much difficulty came to outskirts of Brookings.

As I reached the commercial district, I saw a motel between a laundromat and a Subway restaurant. Across the street was a Mexican restaurant. Looked like a good place to stop on a rainy day. Fortunately weather forecast looks a little better tomorrow.

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